Grants Honoured

National Association of Japanese Canadians; Cultural Development Grant; 2025

Japanese Canadians Legacies Society; Community Funds, Arts; 2024-2025

I gratefully acknowledge support from the Community Fund of the Japanese Canadian Legacies Society for my second Middle Grade novel, exploring friendship, justice and judo within the confines of a World War II Japanese-Canadian Internment Camp, in 1943.


Sunday, January 21, 2024 from 3:00 to 4:30pm, Joy Kogawa House (Vancouver).

As part of the Writer in Residence program for January 2024, S. Yukimi MacIntyre will present the following community-engaged writing program: 

In the Eyes of the Beholder: Art, Identity, and Writing 

Part art-lecture, part free-writing workshop, we’ll look at historical artworks that feature mixed-race peoples and the messages they deliver. How has the depiction of  marginalized peoples in imagery influenced our understanding of who they are when we develop characters and dialogue in our stories? Why are so few mixed-race people featured in art history given their long presence in global populations? How were they  typically portrayed and has this changed? The author will speak to the 1665 portrait titled “The Batavian Senior Merchant Pieter Cnoll and his Family,” by Jacob Jansz Coeman which features the wealthy merchant, his Japanese Caucasian wife Cornelia van  Nijenroode, and their mixed-race children.  

Writing Residencies + Awards

Writer-in-Residence, Historic Joy Kogawa House, January 2024

Annick Press Mentorship Program, Fall 2023

Finalist for the CANSCAIP Writing for Children’s Competition, 2023 (“Kiko and the Dream Eater”)

Selected for Pitch Perfect with The FOLD (Festival of Literary Diversity), 2023

Mentee for BIPOC Writers Connect, The Writer’s Union of Canada, 2023


Novel Excerpt:

“Kiko and The Dream Eater” - Emerge 21, 2021

Short Stories:

The Tablecloth” - Ricepaper Magazine, 2018


  • Baby Steps to building your Author PersonaWordWorks; Federation of BC Writers, Fall 2023

  • Ethnographic Art: A Changing Frontier – Accent by Chubb Online; November 2015

  • The Fossil Industry: Can You Dig It?Montecristo Magazine; Summer 2015

  • Contemporary CeramicsMontecristo Magazine; Winter 2014

  • Is Art the New Oil in the Middle East? – Accent by Chubb Online; June 2014

  • Surfing for Art – Montecristo Magazine; Summer 2014

  • For What It’s Worth – Unusual Memorabilia; Montecristo Magazine; Autumn 2013

  • Altered State, Art Vandalism; Montecristo Magazine; Winter 2012

  • Street Views; Art in Public Places; Montecristo Magazine; Summer 2012

  • Salam, Art World; Montecristo Magazine; Autumn 2011

  • Loan and Behold; Montecristo Magazine; Summer 2011

  • No Place Like Home; Montecristo Magazine; Spring 2011

  • Nerves of Steal; Montecristo Magazine; Autumn 2010

  • Valuable Advice: Taking Care of Your Valuables; Montecristo Magazine; Summer 2010

  • Ukiyo-e: Pictures of the Floating World; Chubb Collectors Online; June 2010

  • Get Real: Fakes and Forgeries in the Art Marketplace; Montecristo; Winter 2009

  • Bidder Beware; Montecristo; Fall 2009

  • Commissioning a Work of Art; Montecristo; Spring 2009

  • Building Your Collection; Montecristo; Winter 2008

  • Inuit Art Finds a Place in the Contemporary Market; Chubb Collectors; March 2008


  • Various blog entries for Monaghan Golf Group; 2018-Present

  • “Midnight Visitations? You’re Not the Only One;” All the Pretty Things Blog, 2015

  • “Is This T-Rex More Social Media Savvy Than You?;” All the Pretty Things Blog, 2015

  • “Affairs, Overdoses and Grave Exhumations: The Life of a 19th Century Model;” All the Pretty Things Blog, 2015